Cliff Burton's portrait in life-size
How to summarize a work which spread out on a duration of 2 years?
This project was in my head for several months, a tribute to this musician too early disappeared.
All the various elements of this portrait were realized with wooden falls: recycling Power.
Special thanks to Nono ( from local chapter n°421 : Master of collector ) for editing of this video : Enormous job.
Portrait cut from the clear wood (pine 5 mm)
Bottom of this wood art cut : black leather
Dimensions : 6.56 x 3.28 feet.
Here are the photos which I used to realize this Cliff Burton's portrait. I used the pants and the shoes of right photos.
MAKING OF VIDEO REALIZED BY NONO ( Master of Collectors - local chapter 421 )
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Master Of Collectors Local Chapter 421
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